Public Access Defibrillators (PAD)
Bow Brickhill attracts cyclists from all over the country as Church Road offers one of the UK’s steepest hills and whilst most have no problem with it, occasionally it can be too much for some.
We hope our defibrillators will never need to be used. However, it’s good to know they are there, just in case.
Bow Brickhill have three Public Access Defibrillator (PAD) and they are located at:
- Bow Brickhill Pavilion
- the bottom of Church Road by the War Memorial
- the wall opposite number 43 Church Road near to the top of the hill
If there comes a time when you need to access a defibrillator, call 999 and give the operator the postcode or code on the door of the defibrillator cabinet. They will then give you the code to open the door.
Our defibrillators are completely automatic. Your job is to place the sticky pads onto the patient’s chest as instructed. You do not need to know whether to shock them. The defibrillator carries out diagnostic checks and will know whether the patient needs to be shocked or not, so you need not worry about shocking someone unnecessarily.