Councillors Meeting

Bow Brickhill Parish Council was created on the 4th December 1894 following the passing of the Local Government Act in the same year. The new legislation introduced elected councils at district and parish level and also entitled women who owned property to vote in local elections, become poor law guardians and act on school boards.

At that time the Parish was under the Rural District of Newport Pagnell and the County of Buckinghamshire.

Parish Councils are elected corporate bodies, have variable tax raising powers and are responsible for areas known as civil parishes, serving in total 16 million people across the country.  Bow Brickhill Parish Council serves just 562 people, according to the 2011 Census.  We’re pretty sure the population has increased somewhat since then however, with the addition of the Brickhill Sands housing development and various other new dwellings springing up here and there.

Bow Brickhill Parish Council consists of several Councilors who are either elected or co-opted and a Clerk who handles the day to day running of the village.  The Clerk is also the RFO or Responsible Finance Officer and as such is the Council’s bookkeeper.

In addition, the Clerk also acts as the Pavilion Manager and supervises the Pavilion Caretaker and all contractors. Collectively staff and councillors ensure the smooth running of the council, the pavilion and recreation ground.

Council meetings normally take place at the Pavilion in Rushmere Close almost every month (there’s a list of forthcoming meetings on our Pavilion Availability Page) and members of the public are welcome to attend.

There’s an annual village meeting too which also takes place at the Pavilion and to which all are welcome.