Date of Approval:  21st January 2021
Date of Review:  Annually 


All booking must be made on the Councils Booking Form available from:

All bookings must be made at least 10 days prior to the event date. Please confirm booking by email or telephone, in case there are postal delays. 

The relevant fee and deposit must be settled at least 10 days ahead of the hire.  


A deposit of £250 is payable for all events. The council will deduct all or part of the deposit should the terms and conditions of hire not be adhered to.  

Cancellation by Hirer 

If the booked session is cancelled by the Hirer for any reason, notice must be received in writing by the Parish Clerk prior to the date of the booked session. 

In the event of a cancellation by the Hirer notified to us 15 days or more prior to the event, a full refund will be given. 

In the event of a cancellation by the Hirer with 14 days or less notice, unless special circumstances apply, the amount refunded shall be on the following basis: 

14 days’ notice or less 75% of hire fee + refund of deposit in full 

7 days’ notice or less 50% of hire fee + refund of deposit in full 

3 days’ notice or less 25% of hire fee + refund of deposit in full 

No refunds will be granted for cancellation of a hire session without such notice being received.

Cancellation by Bow Brickhill Parish Council 

In the event of a cancellation of the booked hire(s) by Bow Brickhill Parish Council for the essential safety of the Hirer or for operational reasons, the Hirer will be entitled to either: 

* a refund to the value of the amount paid for that hire session; or 

* an alternative date and session time for the activity; or 

In the event of such a cancellation, Bow Brickhill Parish Council undertakes to notify the Hirer as soon as possible in order to facilitate alternative arrangements as outlined above. 

In the event of any occurrence necessitating temporary closure of all, or part, of the facility hired, the Hirer agrees that the Owner shall not be liable for any loss or claims arising from  such closure. 

Bookings are accepted by Bow Brickhill Parish Council on the basis of the information supplied by the Hirer. In the event that any information given as to proposed use, number of  persons attending the event, or any other relevant factor is found to be incorrect, Bow  Brickhill Parish Council reserves the right to cancel the booking. In such cases, a refund will  be considered, on application by the Hirer in writing to the Parish Clerk. 

Contact details: 

Parish Clerk 

Bow Brickhill Parish Council 

c/o 41 Berry Way, Newton Longville, Bucks, MK17 0AS 


Tel: 07904 339391
