The table below gives guidance on the retention of documents for Bow Brickhill Parish Council (amended August 2018).

DocumentMinimum Retention Period


Where Stored

Minutes and Correspondence
Signed Minutes of Council Meetings


Correspondence & papers on important local issues & activities



6 Years

Legal Requirement

To support minutes

For reference

PC Store Cupboard

PC Store Cupboard

PC Store Cupboard


Quotations and Tenders

Routine correspondence, papers & emails


Press Releases

Newsletters from other bodies

Planning Applications


2 Years

2 Years

6 Years

2 Years

Retain for as long as useful

1 Year

2 Years

For reference

For reference

Should a claim arise

For reference

For reference

Kept by Unitary Authority

For reference

PC Store Cupboard

PC Store Cupboard

PC Store Cupboard

PC Store Cupboard

PC Store Cupboard


Annual Report & Accounts

Budgets & Financial Reports

Wage Records & Returns & VAT Records & Returns


5 Years

Permanently – inspections possible up to 6 years after end of period

As required by CA 1985 s222

As required by CA 1985 s222

As required by CA 1985 s222

PC Store Cupboard

PC Store Cupboard

PC Store Cupboard

Health & Safety

Accident Book

Health & Safety Routine Checks

25 Years from closure

10 years

Should a claim arise

Should a claim arise

PC Store Cupboard

PC Store Cupboard

Personnel Records

Timesheets (these stored & kept with and as Wage Records)

Personnel Records (not payroll information)

Human Resources (application forms/interviewed)

Retain for as long as useful

Retain for as long as useful

Retain for as long as useful

Retain for as long as useful

Retain for as long as useful

For reference purposes

With current Wages File

With current Wages File

With current Wages File

Members Registers of Interest Destroy after member ceases to be a councillor Only current records required Parish Clerk Office
Title Deeds/Leases Whilst the council owns or occupies the land Not required after the council is no longer owning or occupying the land PC Store Cupboard / With appointed solicitors

Employers Liability Certificate

Insurance Claims

21 years

7 years after all obligations are concluded

Should a claim arise

Should a claim arise

PC Store Cupboard

PC Store Cupboard